Bundles, Bundles, Bundles, Connections and the Yang-Mills Field

An in depth on bundles and related concepts

Hassaan Naeem
10 min readOct 11, 2022

As a follow up to this previous post, and due to my own interest with bundles I figured it would be neat to make a brief and sequential exposition on bundles and afterwards derive the Yang-Mills field.

**Note: text contains plenty of prerequisite topological concepts (Lie Groups, Algebras, Forms, etc.) and will get a bit abstract**

Preliminary Bundle Stuff

Bundle (from: MathWithPhysics)

Again, as a quick run down, a bundle is a triple (E, ๐…, M) where E and M are topological manifolds, E being the total space, M being the base space, and ๐… being a continuous surjective map from the total to the base space.

Additionally, Fโ‚š is the fibre at the point p, and is the pre-image of p or ๐…โปยน(p), more intuitively, Fโ‚š are the set of points in E (in the above diagram, we have a line) attached to the point p, and the map ๐… sends all these points in E to the single point p in M.

Lastly, we have the section, which is a map ๐›”, that sends the point p from M into the fibre Fโ‚š, such that ๐… ๏ฟฎ ๐›” is equal to the identity map on M, idแด (๐… ๏ฟฎ ๐›” sends the point back to the point).

We can have an isomorphism between two bundles, (E, ๐…, M) and (E, ๐…โ€™, M), which means that the diagram below commutes (v ๏ฟฎ ๐… = ๐…โ€™ ๏ฟฎ u, and ๐… ๏ฟฎ uโปยน = vโปยน ๏ฟฎ ๐…โ€™ ):

Isomorphism of Bundles (from: MathWithPhysics)

Product Bundle

A trivial example of a bundle. It is just the triple (MโจฏN, ๐…, M). Here MโจฏN is the cartesian product of two manifolds M and N, and the projection ๐…: MโจฏN โ†’ M which takes (p, q) โ†’ p; p โˆˆ M & q โˆˆ N.

Sub Bundle

If one has a bundle (E, ๐…, M) a sub bundle is (Eโ€™, ๐…โ€™, Mโ€™) where, Eโ€™ is a subset of E, and Mโ€™ is a subset of M, are both sub-manifolds, and ๐…โ€™ = ๐…|แด‡โ€™ (meaning the map ๐… is restricted to Eโ€™).

Restricted Bundle

With the bundle (E, ๐…, M) and a sub-manifold of M, we call N, we can have the restricted bundle (E, ๐…โ€™, N) where ๐…โ€™:= ๐…|pre-image๐œ‹ (N)

Pull Back Bundle

With the bundle (E, ๐…, M) and a map f: Mโ€™ โ†’ M from another manifold Mโ€™, then we have a pull back bundle (Eโ€™, ๐…โ€™, Mโ€™) induced by f. Here Eโ€ฒ is defined by {(mโ€ฒ, e) โˆˆ Mโ€ฒโจฏE | f(mโ€ฒ) = ๐…(e)}.

Fibre Bundle

If we have a bundle (E, ๐…, M) and a manifold F, then ((E, ๐…, M), F) is called a fibre bundle with (typical) fibre F, if โˆ€ p โˆˆ M the pre-image๐œ‹({p}) is topologically isomorphic to F. We can represent it as such:

Fibre Bundle (from: MathWithPhysics)

Vector Fibre Bundle

Exactly the same as the previous definition, however every fibre is a vector space, such as the tangent bundle (see below), or the cotangent bundle.

Smooth Bundle

Similar to the canonical bundle defined above, with the exception that the map ๐… is a smooth map. A map f is said to be smooth (as a map between smooth manifolds M and N, f: M โ†’ N) if and only if the map idษด ๏ฟฎ f ๏ฟฎ idแดโปยน = f is smooth (infinitely differentiable).

Tangent Bundles

This is an elegant way to combine all the tangent spaces to a manifold M. By definition it is the disjoint union of all the tangent spaces (Tโ‚šM) to M, which we call TM, equipped with a projection map ๐…. Hence it is the triple (TM, ๐…, M). We can see this in the diagram below, where M can be taken to be a sphere, and from any tangent space in TM we can use ๐… to project into p โˆˆ M.

Tangent Bundle

Principal Fibre Bundles

With all that out of the way, we can now build to something more juicy. In a general sense, a principal fibre bundle is a bundle whose fibre at each point is a Lie group.

Principal G-bundle:

A smooth bundle (E, ๐…, M) such that E is equipped with a free right G-action โŠฒ, where G is a Lie group. Hence, one has the following bundle isomorphism:

Isomorphism producing Principal G-bundle (from: MathWithPhysics)

Here ๐œŒ is the quotient map, that sends every p โˆˆ E to its equivalence class (E/G).

This is a notion of interest due to the fact that the right action โŠฒ of G on E is free, and hence for every p from E , the pre-image๐œŒ(Gโ‚š) = Gโ‚š which is diffeomorphic to G (a diffeomorphism is a bijective map ฯ•: M โ†’ N between smooth manifolds M and N, such that ฯ• and ฯ•โปยน are smooth, one says that two manifolds M and N are diffeomorphic if there exists this diffeomorphism between them :) )

Hence we have that a principal G-bundle is such that, it is isomorphic to a bundle whose fibres are the equivalence classes under the right action of G, and in addition these equivalence classes are isomorphic to G (since the action is free). It can be pictorially represented as such:

Principal G-Bundle (from: MathWithPhysics)

Frame Bundle:

This is a variation of a principal fibre bundle.

For its construction, we first need a space Lโ‚šM which is the set of basis vectors of the tangent space Tโ‚šM at point p of a smooth manifold M.

Then we take LM to be the disjoint union of Lโ‚šM spaces on M, similar to the tangent bundle.

We then equip LM with the projection map ๐…: LM โ†’ M which sends each basis (eโ‚,โ€ฆ, e๐‘‘๐‘–๐‘šแด) to the unique point p โˆˆ M, such that (eโ‚,โ€ฆ, e๐‘‘๐‘–๐‘šแด) is a basis of Tโ‚šM, and we have the bundle (LM, ๐…, M).

We then equip LM with a free right GL(dimM, โ„)-action โŠฒ, where GL is the General Linear group, such that the diagram below commutes:

Frame Bundle (from: MathWithPhysics)

We have that this action is free since:

(eโ‚,โ€ฆ, e๐‘‘๐‘–๐‘šแด) โŠฒ g = (eโ‚,โ€ฆ, e๐‘‘๐‘–๐‘šแด) โŸบ (gแตƒโ‚eโ‚,โ€ฆ,gแตƒ๐‘‘๐‘–๐‘šแด eโ‚) = (eโ‚,โ€ฆ, e๐‘‘๐‘–๐‘šแด)

Above gแตƒ๐‘ are components of g โˆˆ GL(dimM, โ„), where g is an endomorphism.

Hence, similar to the previous section, we have that a bundle isomorphism between (LM, ๐…,M) and (LM, ๐œŒ, LM/GL(dimM,โ„)) exists. Thus we can say that (LM, ๐…,M) is a principal G-bundle, namely the frame bundle.

Associated Fibre Bundle

As the name suggest, this is a bundle associated to a principal G-bundle.

If we have a principal G-bundle (P, ๐…, M), and F is a smooth manifold equipped with a left action G-action โŠณ, then we can define P๊œฐ := (PโจฏF)/~ษข, where ~ษข is an equivalence relation defined as:

(p, f) ~ษข (pโ€™, fโ€™):โŸบ โˆƒ g โˆˆ G such that pโ€™ = pโŠฒg and fโ€™ = gโปยน โŠณ f.

Hence, the elements of P๊œฐ are the equivalence classes of (p, f) where p โˆˆ P, f โˆˆ F and we can label them as [p, f]. We can also define the map ๐…๊œฐ:= P๊œฐ โ†’ M which takes [p, f] โ†’ ๐…(p).

Finally, we have that the associated bundle to ((P, ๐…, M), F, โŠณ) is the bundle (P๊œฐ, ๐…๊œฐ, M).

Connection to Connections

Vector Field

If we have the tangent bundle (TM, ๐…,M), then a vector field is simply a smooth section ๐›”, of the tangent bundle. For the set of all vector fields on M, one writes ฮ“(TM). So every element of ฮ“(TM) is a ๐›”: M โ†’ TM such that ๐›” is smooth, and ๐… ๏ฟฎ ๐›” = idแด (just the definition of a section).

For a Lie Group G with identity element e, we have that ๐“›(G) is isomorphic as a vector space to Tโ‚‘G (where ๐“› represents the Lie algebra of G).

Left Invariant Vector Field

If we have a Lie Group G, a vector field from ฮ“(TG), say X, is left invariant if โˆ€ g โˆˆ G: (L๐‘”)โŽ(X) = X, where (L)โŽ is the induced push-forward map of the left translation ๐“๐‘” on G. Meaning, the vector field X is invariant under the induced push-forward of the left translation map.

A Map

By definition, any element of Tโ‚‘G, say A, produces a left invariant vector field on G, which we call Xแดฌ. If we have a principal bundle (P, ๐…, M), we can turn the vector field on G into a vector field on P, which we will call Xแดฌ โ‚š with a map iโ‚š: Tโ‚‘G โ†’ Tโ‚šP

Vertical Subspace

Then from the principal bundle (P, ๐…, M) and at a given point p one can make a vertical subspace Vโ‚šP at p which is just a subspace of of the vector space Tโ‚šP, Vโ‚šP := ker((๐…โŽ)โ‚š). Where the kernel just takes an Xโ‚š from Tโ‚šP such that (๐…*)โ‚š(X) = 0.

We can view this locally in the diagram below:

Vertical Subspace

Notice that the tangent vector v1 to the curve f, is the tangent vector of the projected/mapped curve, it is the push-forward of v1, ๐…โŽ(v1). We can see that it is not the zero vector, hence is does not lie in the kernel of the ๐…โŽ. However if we look at the middle fibre, and take a vector like v2, it will always be projected into the zero vector. Hence we can conclude that the entire fibre of p is a vertical subspace.

We can also conclude that the previously defined map iโ‚š is a bijection.

Horizontal Subspace

From the principal bundle (P, ๐…, M) and at a given point p one can also make a horizontal subspace Hโ‚šP at p which is just a complement to vertical subspace Vโ‚šP defined previously. Meaning Tโ‚šP = Hโ‚šP โŠ•Vโ‚šP (direct sum). The choice of Hโ‚šP is not unique but from the choice one gets the unique decomposition of an Xโ‚š from Tโ‚šP, as Xโ‚š = ver(Xโ‚š) + hor(Xโ‚š) where both the vertical and horizontal components are from Vโ‚šP.


We are then ready to define a connection. On a principal G-bundle (P,๐…,M) a connection is a choice or assignment of a horizontal subspace at each p from P such that the following conditions hold:

a) Tโ‚šP = Hโ‚šP โŠ• Vโ‚šP

b) โˆ€ g โˆˆ G, p โˆˆ P and Xโ‚š โˆˆ Hโ‚šP: ((โŠฒg)โŽ)Xโ‚š โˆˆ H๐‘โŠฒ๐‘” P

c) the unique decomposition Xโ‚š = hor(Xโ‚š) + ver(Xโ‚š), leads for every smooth vector field X โˆˆ ฮ“(TP) to two smooth vector fields hor(X) and ver(X)

We can see b) outlined in the diagram below:

Connection and Horizontal Subspace

One needs to recognize that ver(Xโ‚š) and hor(Xโ‚š) directly depend on the choice of Hโ‚šP:

Choice of Horizontal Subspace

We can see that at the same point and with the same vector X, but a different choice of Hโ‚šP, we get different ver(X) and hor(X) components.

This choice of Hโ‚šP is however encoded in the induced Lie-algebra-valued one-form ฯ‰โ‚š: Tโ‚šP โ†’ Tโ‚‘G (linear map) where Xโ‚š โ†’ ฯ‰โ‚š(Xโ‚š):= iโ‚šโปยน(ver(Xโ‚š)) which is an element of Tโ‚‘G. We defined the map iโ‚š previously above. This form ฯ‰โ‚š is called the connection one-form with respect to the connection.

We can also then get back the Hโ‚šP, since Hโ‚šP = ker(ฯ‰โ‚š).

Now we will take this lie-algebra-valued one-form on P (the Principle Bundle) and express it locally as the Lie-algebra-valued one-form on the base manifold. This then, depending on context, are called the local connection coefficients (Christoffel symbols, ฮ“ โฑโฑผโ‚–) in general relativity, or the Yang-Mills field in particle physics, as we shall do here.

Yang Mills Field

We now have the connection one form ฯ‰: ฮ“(TP) โ†’ Tโ‚‘G (linear map), and it needing to satisfy ฯ‰(Xแดฌ) = A and ((โŠฒg)*ฯ‰)(X) =(Ad๐‘”โปยน)โŽ (ฯ‰(X)), where Ad is the adjoint map. Where X โˆˆ ฮ“(TP), g โˆˆ G, and A โˆˆ Tโ‚‘G.

So it is a map from the section of the tangent bundle into the Lie algebra. We then have the following commuting diagram, where u and f are maps and the rest is a standard principal G-bundle:

In other words, we have a principal bundle automorphism, or an isomorphism that goes back to itself. Since we know that ฯ‰ lives on the above diagram, we should be able to pull it back via the map u. Therefore we would have u*ฯ‰, and we would apply it as (u*ฯ‰)(X):= ฯ‰(uโŽX), where X is a vector in P.

In practice (i.e., for calculations), one works with some subset U of the base manifold M, and it is better to work with a one-form that is not globally defined. For example, if one is dealing with spacetime as M, one deals with things(physics) locally, and then extrapolates the results out globally afterwards (local experiments then global laws). So we choose a local section ๐›”: U โ†’ P such that ๐… ๏ฟฎ ๐›” = idแดœ. This local section then induces the following:

i) a Yang Mills field ฯ‰แต:= ๐›”*ฯ‰

ii) a local trivialization of the principal bundle P, or a map h: UโจฏG โ†’ P where (m, g) โ†’ ๐›”(m)โŠฒg

iii) a local representation of ฯ‰ on U, h*ฯ‰: ฮ“(T(UโจฏG)) โ†’ Tโ‚‘G.

We then get the following diagram:

Yang-Mills field

We have ฯ‰แต as the Yang Mills field, the local representation h*ฯ‰, and the connection one form ฯ‰. The ฯ‰แต may seem scarcer in information relative to h*ฯ‰, however this is not the case. Over a local patch, ฯ‰แต and h*ฯ‰ carry the same informational content.

The end.



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